Andreas Author of articles

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • What is used as folk remedies for human parasites? How to treat worms at home? You should know the rules for the use of medicinal herbs and other remedies described in the material.
    20 March 2022
  • How do parasites enter the human body and how to get rid of them? Effective recipes of traditional medicine for removing parasites, diet and nutritional correction, useful recommendations.
    20 September 2021
  • What folk remedies will help get rid of worms and parasites in humans. We will consider the most effective recipes for worms in this article.
    7 June 2021
  • How to determine the presence of parasites in the human body: the main signs and symptoms. How to get rid of helminthiasis and cleanse the body with the help of medicines and folk remedies.
    1 November 2020
  • We used to consider my body their property and sometimes frustrating to learn that it had settled uninvited guests. Worms in humans – one of the most common examples of such uninvited "neighborhood"
    11 April 2020